How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (2024)

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Learn how to make perfect Tempura at home with this easy-to-follow recipe. You‘ll find plenty of helpful tips and tricks for making the crispy deep-fried batter and delicious dipping sauce. Consider this your ultimate tempura-making guide!

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (1)

When juicy plump shrimp, thinly sliced Japanese sweet potato, creamy eggplant, and fragrant shiso leaves get dunked in batter and deep-fried to light, irresistible crunch, you know you’re going to have some really good meal.

In Japan, Tempura (天ぷら) is serious stuff. Japanese chefs would spend years mastering the technique of tempura frying. And home cooks will themselves in front of the hot oil in their tiny kitchens. All for the food we so love.

To make tempura worthy of your effort, freshness matters. So do the batter and deep-frying technique. Sure, making perfect tempura requires skills and practice, but I am here to tell you that it is possible to make the perfectly-airy, crispy, and non-greasy tempura right from your home.

Let’s learn all the secrets today!

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (2)

History of Tempura

The tempura-style batter is said to have been brought to Japan by Portuguese missionaries in the 16th century, during the Muromachi period. However, as the cooking method of ‘deep-frying with flour batter’ was already established in Japan beforehand, the origin of tempura can be somewhat disputable.

There are also a number of theories surrounding the etymology of tempura, which adds to the dubiety. Some sources believe the word tempura comes from ‘tempero’, which means ‘seasonings’ or ‘spices’ in Portuguese, while some cited the definition from Kanji (Japanese-Chinese characters).

What’s evident is tempura started to spread as street food and became a favorite among the common people in the early Edo period. With the increase of oil production, food stalls started selling tempura as a skewered snack food, alongside soba, sushi, and eel. By the late Edo and early Meiji era, tempura shops and restaurants emerged and started establishing its position as a specialty cuisine.

Today, you can find some best tempura houses in Japan, where all of your meals will be cooked by a highly trained chef who devotes his entire career to tempura frying.

It cannot be any more true to say that tempura is one of Japan’s representative dishes.

How to Make The Best Tempura Batter

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (3)

The success of your tempura is in the batter. To achieve a crispy texture, it’s very important to minimize the gluten formation in the batter as much as possible.

Tempura Batter: (flour : egg + water = 1 : 1 by volume)

  • 1 cup (120 g) all-purpose flour (plain flour)
  • 1 cold large egg (50 g without shell)
  • 200 ml iced water

Helpufl Tips:

  • Choice of flour – All-purpose flour is the most basic flour for tempura batter. Some people prefer using low-protein flours, such as cake flour or a mix with corn starch. For convenience, there is also a pre-mix tempura flour available. Personally, I always make my tempura batter from scratch using all-purpose flour, iced water, and egg.
  • The recommended flour to water/egg ratio is 1:1.
  • A cold batter is absolutely necessary – Make sure all your ingredients (flour, water, egg) and the bowl are cold. Keep your water refrigerated so it’s icy cold. This helps the batter cling on to the surface of the ingredients.
  • Do not overmix the batter – Use chopsticks to mix for 15-20 seconds; gluten will start to form when you mix too much. It’s even helpful to leave some floury lumps in the batter. A lumpy batter contains more air and irregularities, which gives the tempura a light lacy layer that we’re after.Aim for consistency – The finished batter shouldn’t be too thin or too thick. I’ll go for a heavy cream consistency.
  • Make batter right before you deep fry to reduce gluten activation.

What Ingredients to Use for Tempura

You can basically make tempura with a wide range of fresh ingredients, with the most common options that include seafood, mushrooms, and root vegetables. There are also local tempura menus all over Japan that feature seasonal ingredients unique to the area.

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (4)


The most popular tempura is, of course, Shrimp Tempura, also called Ebi no Tempura(海老の天ぷら) orEbi Ten (えび天). In Japan, we use Japanese tiger prawns or Kuruma Ebi (車海老) that are large in size and have a sweet, buttery flavor. In the US, you can use black tiger shrimp or jumbo shrimp for tempura.

We straighten the shrimp to make it look gorgeous and here’s how to do it.

You can also find other seafood being fried up. Here are some of the delicious examples:

  • Abalone (鮑, あわび) – summer
  • Anago (穴子) – winter
  • Barracuda (梭子魚, かます)
  • Botan shrimp (牡丹海老, ぼたんえび)
  • Chikuwa fish cake (竹輪,ちくわ)
  • Cod (鱈, たら)
  • Cuttlefish (墨烏賊, すみいか)
  • Dagger-tooth pike conger, Conger pike (鱧, はも) – summer
  • Icefish (白魚, しらうお) – winter
  • Japanese sea bass (鱸, すずき)
  • Japanese smelt (公魚, わかさぎ) – spring
  • Japanese tiger prawn (車海老,くるまえび) – summer
  • Japanese whiting (鱚, きす) – summer
  • Octopus (蛸, たこ)
  • Orient clam (蛤, はまぐり)
  • Oyster (牡蠣, かき) – summer
  • Pufferfish (河豚, ふぐ)
  • Sakura shrimp (桜海老, さくらえび) – spring
  • Salmon (鮭, さけ) – fall
  • Scallop (帆立貝, ほたてがい) – winter
  • Sea eel (穴子, あなご)
  • Sea bream (鯛, たい)
  • Shirako, milt, soft roe (白子,しらこ) – winter
  • Shishamo (柳葉魚,ししゃも)
  • Shrimp (海老, えび)
  • Squid (烏賊, いか)
  • Unagi (うなぎ) – winter
  • White-flesh fish, white-fleshed fish, white fish (白身魚, しろみざかな)

Vegetables, Mushrooms & Seaweeds

For vegetable tempura, starchy root vegetables such as sweet potato, Kabocha squash, and lotus roots are most ideal. Other popular ingredients such as Japanese mushrooms (shiitake and oyster), eggplants, okra, shiso leaves, and shish*to peppers are also suitable for frying in the batter. In rural Japan, people even fry up wild edible plants and shoots like dandelion and fiddleheads for tempura.

When choosing vegetables, you’d want to avoid vegetables with high water content such as tomato, celery, and cucumber. They do not hold up the batter well, and the moisture will result in the vegetables getting burnt easily.

Here are some of the popular vegetables, mushrooms & seaweeds for tempura:

  • Asparagus (アスパラガス) – spring
  • Avocado (アボカド)
  • Baby corn (ヤングコーン)
  • Bamboo shoot (竹の子) – spring
  • Bell Pepper (ピーマン)
  • Bitter melon (ゴーヤー)
  • Black-eyed pea (ささげ)
  • Carrot (人参, にんじん) – winter
  • Chestnut (栗) – fall
  • Corn (とうもろこし) – summer
  • Daikon (大根) – winter
  • Eggplant (茄子, なす)
  • Fava bean (そら豆)
  • Ginkgo seed (銀杏, ぎんなん)
  • Gobo, Burdock root (ごぼう)
  • Green beans (さやいんげん) – summer
  • Japanese Maple leaf (もみじの葉) – Common in Mino, Osaka prefecture
  • Japanese mountain yam (山芋, やまいも)
  • Japanese pickled ginger (紅しょうが) – Common in Osaka prefecture
  • Japanese sweet potato (サツマイモ) – fall
  • Kabocha (かぼちゃ) – winter
  • Lily bulb (百合根, ゆりね) – fall
  • Lotus root (れんこん)
  • Maitake mushrooms (舞茸, まいたけ) – fall
  • Matsutake mushrooms (松茸, まつたけ) – fall
  • Mountain vegetables (山菜, さんさい)
  • Mozuku (edible seaweed) (藻付,もずく) – Common in Okinawa prefecture
  • Myoga Japanese ginger (みょうが) – summer
  • Nameko (なめこ) – fall
  • Nori seaweed (海苔, のり)
  • Okra (おくら) – summer
  • Onion (たまねぎ) – spring
  • Parsley (パセリ)
  • Potato (じゃがいも)
  • Romanesco (ロマネスコ)
  • Shiitake mushroom (しいたけ) – fall
  • Shimeji mushrooms (しめじ) – fall
  • Shish*to pepper (ししとう) – summer
  • Shiso leaves (大葉, 紫蘇の葉)
  • Tomato (トマト) – summer
  • White asparagus (ホワイトアスパラガス)
  • Zucchini, Courgette (ズッキーニ)

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (6)

Meat and Eggs

We don’t generally use meats because they are considered too heavy for tempura dishes. However, you can find Chicken Tempura (Toriten)in the Oita Prefecture of Kyushu region in Japan.

  • Chicken (鶏, とり) – Common in Oita prefecture
  • Egg (鶏卵, たまご)
  • Quail eggs (うずらの卵)

How to Prepare Basic Tempura Ingredients

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (7)
  1. Shrimp – See this post.
  2. Eggplant – Discard the head of the eggplant, then cut it in half lengthwise. Cut the eggplant lengthwise into very thin (about ⅛ inch or 3 mm) slices leaving the top 1-inch part intact. Gently press down on the eggplants to fan the slices out.
  3. Kabocha – Without peeling the skin, slice into 5 mm pieces.
  4. Sweet Potatoes – Without peeling the skin, slice into 5 mm pieces.
  5. Shiitake mushrooms – Remove and discard the stem and make a decorative cut on the cap.

Important Tips

  • Dry the ingredient with a paper towel; moisture is the enemy for achieving crisp tempura texture.
  • The ingredient will be well-coated with batter if you sprinkle the flour lightly over it (we call sprinkling of the flour uchiko 打ち粉) before dipping into the tempura batter.

How to Make Tempura

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (8)

In Japanese cooking, deep frying is an art, and it takes some know-how and practice to execute desirable results. For the case of tempura, the hot oil enhances the natural sweetness and flavors of whatever you’re frying, at the same time, devoid of greasiness. Let’s take a look at how you can achieve that at home.

Deep Frying Oil

Most tempura restaurants use untoasted sesame oil or their own special blend of oil. At home, you can also use a neutral-flavored oil such as vegetable or rice bran oil or canola oil, and simply add a touch of sesame oil for a deliciously nutty aroma. Use clean, new oil instead of used oil.

Ideally, the oil should fill up to ½ of the pot. The minimum oil you need in a frying pan is 1 inch deep. The more oil you have, the more ability the oil will have to sustain its ideal temperature throughout frying.

Oil Temperature

Ideal oil temperature for frying – Depending on the ingredients, we are looking at the range of 320-350°F (160-180°C).Use a thermometer for precise temperature control, especially if you’re not familiar with deep frying.

You can check the approximate temperature by dropping the batter into the oil.

  • High temperature (350ºF or 180ºC): the batter will come right back up.
  • Medium temperature (340ºF or 170ºC): the batter will go to the middle of the pot and come right back.
  • Low temperature (320ºF or 160ºC): the batter will go to the bottom of the pot and slowly come up.

Cooking Time and Temperature

Seafood & Meat (350ºF or 180ºC)

  • Meat (pork and chicken) – 3-4 minutes
  • Shrimp – 2 minutes
  • Squid – 1 minute
  • Fish – 1 minute

Vegetables & Mushrooms (320ºF or 160ºC)

  • Sweet potatoes – 2-3 minutes
  • Kabocha – 2-3 minutes
  • Shiitake mushrooms – 1 minute
  • Eggplant 1 minute
  • Shish*to peppers – 30-40 seconds
  • Shiso – 15-20 seconds

Deep-Frying Tips

  • Do not overcrowd the frying pot with ingredients – As a rule of thumb, only half of the oil surface should be covered with ingredients. So, deep fry in batches.
  • Keep the oil temperature steady at all times.
  • Turn the tempura regularly to ensure even cooking.
  • Pick up crumbs in the oil between batches – You wouldn’t want any burnt crumbs to attach to your new tempura pieces or dilute the oil flavor.

How to Make The Best Tempura Dipping Sauce

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (9)

Tempura is the best when you dip them in the delicious Tentsuyu (天つゆ) or Tempura Dipping Sauce. The sauce itself is delicate but has all the sweet-savory flavor you need to accentuate the enjoyment of fresh, hot tempura.

Tentsuyu (Tempura Dipping Suace):

  • ¾ cup (180 ml) dashi (Japanese soup stock) (or ¾ cup water + 1 tsp dashi powder)
  • 3 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 Tbsp mirin
  • 2 tsp sugar

The tempura dipping sauce can be put together quickly. When you make homemade dashi for miso soup, save a portion to make the sauce. It will be ready in less than 5 minutes!

How to Serve & Enjoy Tempura

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (10)

Serve the hot-off-the-frying-pot tempura with tentsuyu dipping sauce along with grated daikon to help refreshen your palate. It makes a remarkable main dish to enjoy on its own.

Tempura also goes well with flavored salts such as matcha salt, yuzu salt, and curry salt.

You can serve tempura over steamed rice like Ten Don (Tempura Donburi), or serve with chilled soba noodles (we call it Ten Zaru).

Various Tempura Recipes to Try

Hungry? Find the detailed tips and techniques in each of the following tempura recipes!

1. Shrimp Tempura

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (11)

Crispy and delicious homemade Shrimp Tempura! The secret to making a light, crisp coating that doesn’t absorb oil when fried is in the batter and deep-frying technique.

2. Vegetable Tempura

Who can resist delicious crispy homemade vegetable tempura?When making tempura at home, the goal is a crispy yet airy coating that doesn’t absorb oil when deep-fried. I’ll teach you how to achieve excellent results in this recipe.

3. Gluten-Free Tempura

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (13)

Yes, you can now make Gluten-Free Tempura with a crispy batter at home. This recipe will show you how.

4. Chicken Tempura

Chicken Tempura is a regional favorite in Oita Prefecture of Kyushu region in Japan. With a crispy and fluffy batter on the outside and juicy and tender meat inside, this Chicken Tempura is best enjoyed by dipping withkarashi mustard ponzu sauce.

More Delicious Ways to Serve Tempura

Besides eating them straight off as a dish, you can also serve tempura as a topping or a side to accompany many other dishes like sushi and noodles.

On Just One Cookbook, I have shared many recipes featuring delicious tempura such as below:

  • Soba Noodle Soup – Simple bowl of soba noodle soup topped with tempura, fish cake, and scallion.
  • Ten Don (Tempura Donburi) – You get shrimp and vegetable tempura served over a rice bowl.
  • Tensumu (Tempura Shrimp Rice Balls) – A Nagoya specialty, Tensumu is rice balls stuffed with shrimp tempura.
  • Dragon Roll – An inside-out sushi roll featuring shrimp tempura and creamy avocado.
  • Nabeyaki Udon – Topped with tempura, chicken & heaps of vegetables, Nabeyaki Udon is a hot noodle soup traditionally served in a donabe or iron pot.

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of tempura-making, I hope you’re ready to fire up some delicious tempura at home!

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How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (17)


4.48 from 203 votes

Learn how to make perfect Tempura at home with this easy-to-follow recipe. You‘ll find plenty of helpful tips and tricks for making the crispy deep-fried batter and delicious dipping sauce. Consider this your ultimate tempura-making guide!

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Prep Time: 30 minutes mins

Cook Time: 45 minutes mins

Total Time: 1 hour hr 15 minutes mins

Servings: 2


For the Dipping Sauce (Tentsuyu)

  • ¾ cup dashi (Japanese soup stock) (use standardAwase Dashi,dashi packetorpowder, orVegan Dashi)
  • 3 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 Tbsp mirin
  • 2 tsp sugar

For the Tempura

  • 4 shrimp (peeled with tail and last shell segment left on; deveined)
  • 2 king oyster mushrooms (eringi)
  • 4 slices lotus root (renkon) (peeled and precooked; I usedboiled lotus root (renkon no mizuni)from a Japanese grocery store)
  • 4 slices Japanese sweet potato (Satsumaimo) (unpeeled)
  • 4 slices kabocha squash (unpeeled)
  • 1 Japanese or Chinese eggplant
  • 2 shiso leaves (perilla/ooba)

For the Batter

  • 1 large egg (50 g each w/o shell) (chilled)
  • 200 ml iced water (¾ cup + 4 tsp)
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour (plain flour) (chilled; weigh your flour or use the “fluff and sprinkle“ method and level it off)

For Deep-Frying

  • neutral oil (or use a 10-to-1 ratio of neutral oil to sesame oil)
  • 2 Tbsp all-purpose flour (plain flour) (for dusting)

For Serving

  • 2 inches daikon radish (grated)

Japanese Ingredient Substitution: If you want substitutes for Japanese condiments and ingredients, click here.


  • Before You Start: Gather all the ingredients. I encourage you to weigh your flourin metric using akitchen scale. Click on the “Metric“ button at the top of the recipe to convert the ingredient measurements to metric. If you‘re using a cup measurement, please follow the “fluff and sprinkle“ method: Fluff your flour with a spoon, sprinkle the flour into your measuring cup, and level it off. Otherwise, you may scoop more flour than you need.

To Make the Dipping Sauce (Tentsuyu)

  • Combine ¾ cup dashi (Japanese soup stock), 3 Tbsp soy sauce, 2 Tbsp mirin, and 2 tsp sugar in a small saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then, lower the heat and let it simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from the heat and set aside. Tip: For a quick dashi, use ¾ cup (180 ml) water + 1 tsp dashi powder.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (18)

To Prepare the Ingredients

  • Peel 4 shrimp, leaving on the tail and last shell segment (closest to the tail). Straighten the shrimp so it looks gorgeous; learn how in my post on how to prepare shrimp. Pat dry to completely remove the moisture.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (19)

  • Cut 2 king oyster mushrooms (eringi), 4 slices lotus root (renkon), 4 slices Japanese sweet potato (Satsumaimo), and 4 slices kabocha squash each about ¼ inch (6 mm) thick. For the 1 Japanese or Chinese eggplant, cut off and discard the stem and calyx, then cut in half lengthwise. Place the halves flat side down on the cutting board and cut lengthwise into very thin slices (⅛ inch or 3 mm), leaving 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the bottom tipintact so the slices stay connected. Then, gently press down to fan out the slices. Keep the2 shiso leaves (perilla/ooba)whole.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (20)

To Prepare the Oil

  • In a medium-sized pot, heat 1½–2 inches (3–5 cm) of neutral oil to 350°F (180°C). Tip: For enhanced aroma and taste, I like to add 1 part sesame oil for every 10 parts neutral oil.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (21)

To Make the Batter

  • While the oil is heating up, prepare the tempura batter. We‘ll use a 1-to-1 ratio (by volume) of flour to egg + water. First, add 1 large egg (50 g each w/o shell) and 200 ml iced water into a measuring cup or a bowl. Whisk the egg mixture vigorously. Discard the foam on the surface.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (22)

  • Next, sift 1 cup all-purpose flour (plain flour) into a large bowl. Slowly pour the egg mixture into the flour and mix. Do not overmix; it’s okay to leave some lumps. Keep the batter cold at all times. I store mine in the refrigerator until ready to use. Make the batter right before deep-frying to avoid activating the wheat gluten.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (23)

To Deep-Fry the Tempura

  • To get crispy tempura, make sure your ingredients are dry; pat them dry with a paper towel, if needed. Any excess moisture will make the tempura soggy. Next, arrange them in cooking order, starting with the cleaner and less astringent ingredients. I suggest cooking the shiso first, followed by the mushrooms, lotus root, eggplant, shrimp, sweet potatoes, and kabocha, in that order.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (24)

  • Check that the oil temperature is 350°F (180°C) using a thermometer. To check with wooden chopsticks, dip them in the oil; when small bubbles form around the tips, the oil is ready. Tip: When you deep-fry, do not crowd the potbecause the oil temperature will drop quickly. Your ingredients should take upno more than about half of the oil surface areaat any one time. For more helpful hints, read my post How to Deep-Fry Food.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (25)

  • With the oil at 350°F (180°C), dip one piece of vegetable or shrimp (but not the potato or kabocha yet) in the batter, let the excess drip off for 1–2 seconds, and gently place in the hot oil. Continue to dip and add one piece at a time without crowding the pot. For theshiso leaves, sift2 Tbsp all-purpose flour (plain flour), sprinkle a bit on the back of the leaf, and dip only the back into the batter.The flour acts as a glue that helps the batter adhere. For the shrimp, dust lightly with the flour (or potato starch/cornstarch) before dipping. Fry the shiso leaves for 15–30 seconds, mushrooms for 1 minute, lotus root for 2 minutes each side, eggplant for 1 minute, and shrimp for 2 minutes. (We‘ll cook the sweet potatoes and kabocha in the next step.) Deep-fry until golden brown.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (26)

  • Now, lower the oil temperature to 320ºF (160℃). Then, dip the sweet potatoes in the batter and cook for 3 minutes. Finally, dip and fry the kabocha for 2–3 minutes.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (27)

  • As the tempura cook to a golden brown, transfer them to a wire rack or a plate lined with paper towels to drain the excess oil. Repeat with the next batches.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (28)

  • In between batches, clean the oil by scooping up the crumbs (called tenkasu), which will burn and turn the oil darker if left in the pot.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (29)

To Serve

  • Peel and grate 2 inches daikon radish (I use aceramic grater) and gently squeeze out some of the liquid. Prepare 3–4 Tbsp of warm tentsuyu in each individual dipping bowl with 1 Tbsp grated daikon per serving on the side.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (30)

  • Add the grated daikon to the dipping sauce, then dip the Tempura in the sauce to enjoy.

    How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (31)

To Store

  • If you have unused dipping sauce, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 1–2 weeks.

    You can keep the leftovers in a single layer between paper towels and put in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag. Store in the freezer for 2 weeks. To reheat, place the tempura on a wire rack in the preheated oven (400ºF or 200ºC) or the toaster oven for 5 minutes or until crisp on the outside and heated through on the inside.


Nutrition Facts


Amount per Serving



% Daily Value*

Saturated Fat





Trans Fat






































Vitamin A





Vitamin C















* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Author: Namiko Chen

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: Japanese

Keyword: tempura

© Content and photographs are copyright protected. Sharing of this recipe is both encouraged and appreciated. Copying and/or pasting full recipes to any website or social media is strictly prohibited. Please view my photo use policy here.

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How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら (2024)
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