After We Collided (After, #2) (2024)


848 reviews1,470 followers

April 17, 2023

I don't think I can reiterate enough how much I hate this series... "But Angela why the high rating?"... Well let me break it down for you, this is the best worst thing I've ever read. It's so addictive it's insane. It's like the potato chip bag of books. You don't want to eat more than a handful but somehow wind up eating the whole bag.

After We Collided is seriously just the book After again. It's the same sh*t different day. Tessa and Hardin continue their on again off again, I hate you but can't live without you bull that they did in the first. Tessa is still the same up tight-jump to conclusion- why is she dating this guy- train wreck that she was in the first. Hardin is the same glass smashing-must fight anything with a pulse-emotional flip flopping dbag he was in the first as well. Tessa continues to say one thing then do another. Hardin continues to come up with white pointless lies for again, no reason. To give Todd some credit she did give her characters a little more development and personality in this one than the first. Tessa managed to have a little more spine than a jellyfish and Hardin was a lot more comical than in the first.

"Just because he can't love you the way you want him to doesn't mean he doesn't love you with everything he has."

As far as the plot line goes AWC is like I said above, just After only written in dual Pov between Hardin and Tessa. A lot of people are saying how important this was because we get to see what's going on in both our leads heads... Hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is nothing of substance going on in either of their brains. 95% of the time you'll be screaming "wow if these two just actually chilled the F out and had a real conversation this book would be 200 pages shorter and sweeter." This book is a cluster of what the heck am I reading moments. That being said I did enjoy the dual views. The plot is as delicious as soggy bread an at this point in time you're probably still wondering why I've given it such high marks... Well because again Todd has managed to hook me in. Every time I set this book down within minutes I had to pick it back up. The combination of perfectly placed twist, smutty goodness, my hatred of characters, and stupid plot must have fried all my braincells and in return made me love this story. The After Series brings nothing new or original to the ya/na genre. The moment it pulled the 50 shades of gross it took everything in me not to set this book on fire (if you've read it you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about). Though the characters are awful and the plot is weak all the twists made up for it. Because when those twists happen... Well lets just say my situation looked a little like this:

Both took me completely by surprise. Also the smut in this book is so on point! Haters go ahead and hate, don't care, I ate it up!

After We Collided had me so mad, so angry, so annoyed, and so so entertained. It's a story about a toxic relationship between an idiot drunk, controlling, co*cky dick weed and a naive, pathetic, stupid, co-dependent moody girl, and yet I can't seem to get enough.


1,179 reviews4,611 followers

July 26, 2017

After finishing the first book in the 'After' series, I immediately jumped into this second book. There was no way that I was going to quit this series with the way things ended at the end of 'After'--absolutely, no way! I had to know how things were going to play out for this disastrous couple. They are like crack! It might kill me. I know it's really not healthy...but I just can't seem to pull myself away from it!

If I thought that Hardin and Tessa were going to grow up and start treating each other better, I would've been sorely disappointed. These two are every bit as toxic as they were the first time around. The back and forth, break-up and make-up, abusive cycle continues, strong as ever. Of course, I'm such a glutton for punishment that I had to have a front row seat for all of it!

Picking up right where the first book ended, Tessa does her best to try and piece her life back together. She has been betrayed by everyone that she thought were her friends -- most of all, Hardin. Unfortunately, the manipulative jackass succeeded in tying her to him when he tricked her into moving into an apartment with him and away from the dorms. This will make distancing herself from him more difficult than she had hoped.

While Tessa makes a weak attempt at moving on, Hardin sets out to prove that his feelings for her are genuine. Of course, every time he starts to make any progress in that regard he does something that sabotages all of his efforts. They truly are their own worst enemies.

For what it's worth, Hardin does seem to show some actual emotions in this book. Mainly, his regret and heartache shines through. It's hard to feel sorry for him though, since all of his pain is entirely the result of his own cruel actions. To make matters worse, every time he starts to gain a little "nice guy" stock, he goes and does something abhorrent again, reminding me of what a despicable asshat he is. Some big revelations about his past only further prove that he is not to be trusted. He really is deplorable...but I love to hate him!

I also found myself feeling a little more irritated with Tessa's weakness this time around. Can you say "doormat"? How many times is this girl going to fall for his crap? She also played the same childish games over and over, using other guys to make Hardin jealous, only to play the victim when she got the reaction she was looking for all along.

I felt sorry for Tessa at first. By the end of this book, I was marveling at the fact that she hadn't been weeded out as part of the process of natural selection. Surely, this girl is too stupid to live!

That being said, I still can't pull myself away from this angsty, infuriating story. It is like watching a trashy talk show or soap opera. It's unrealistic. The relationships are toxic. It probably kills off brain cells. However, I can't get enough of it. It is my latest guilty pleasure. I'm kind of ashamed to admit it, but I'm completely hooked on this series.

Like the first book, 'After We Collided' ends with a huge cliffhanger. Anna Todd certainly knows how to pull me back in. At this point, I think my relationship with this series is much like the relationship between Hardin and Tessa. I should probably cut all ties and get out while I can, but I just can't seem to resist the pull. I'm on to the third book in this addictive, dysfunctional romance.

    childhood-loves hate-that-i-love-them listened-to-audio-version

RoseBane (Jess)

166 reviews526 followers

November 4, 2020

I love these two idiots.

    books-i-own erotica favourites

Penny Well Reads

812 reviews219 followers

December 31, 2021


These books romanticize an abusive relationship, which horrifies me. It is basically a step by step manual to emotional abuse and toxic behavior.

Here are some of the most common sings to identify an abusive relationship, according to experts:
Whirlwind Romance
Rage Episodes
Isolating you from friends and family.
Extreme and Unreasonable Jealousy
Refusing to communicate.
Withdrawal of affection.
Double Standards
Lack of Accountability
Verbal Abuse
Humiliating or embarrassing you.
Ignoring or excluding you.
Emotional Blackmail
Extreme moodiness.
Financial control.

This “romance” covers EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of them. The male character in this series, Harden, exhibits all of them, repeatedly, towards Tessa. It horrifies me that this can pass as a romantic book. I worry about every single person that might be influenced by this and think it is ok, romantic or even desirable. The relationship between these characters is an unacceptable one, and it should only be an example of HOW NOT TO be, WHAT NOT TO do.


    dnf-did-not-finished likereviews n-read-new-adult

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★

2,417 reviews14.9k followers

June 8, 2017

After We Collided (After, #2) (7)
After We Collided (After, #2) (8)
After We Collided (After, #2) (9)
After We Collided (After, #2) (10)
After We Collided (After, #2) (11)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! After We Collided, book 2 of 5. The tumultuous against-all-odds romance between tatted rebel Hardin Scott & good girl Tessa Young!

“Just because he can’t love you the way you want him to doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you with everything he has…”

Books in The After series should be read in order:
Book 1: After
Book 2: After We Collided
Book 3: After We Fell
Book 4: After Ever Happy
Book 5: Before

The After series is the epic love saga between flawed rebel bad boy student and editor Hardin Allen Scott and naïve good girl student and intern editor Theresa Lynn Young, Tessa.

In After, book 1 Tessa met Hardin and an unlikely friendship blossomed into more only to be shattered by secrets, jealousy and betrayal.

After We Collided, book 2 will test their relationship taking their connection to another level.; A dysfunctional and co-dependent love with their biggest obstacles to overcome from within.

After We Collided (After, #2) (12)
Nine words to describe Hardin Allen Scott: Unpredictable, moody, flawed, broken, aloof, secretive, demanding, conflicted and possessive.

After We Collided (After, #2) (13)
Nine words to describe Theresa Lynn Young, Tessa: Organized, meek, compulsive, goal-oriented, determined, naïve, trusting, curious and forgiving.

After We Collided, told from dual POVs, is an all-consuming, addicting, at times angsty journey of self-discovery, testing boundaries, pushing limits and surrendering it all for love. It ends opening another chapter, leading right to book 3, After We Fell for the continuation of their journey.

Hero: ★★★★★
Heroine: ★★★★
Plot: ★★★★★
Storytelling: ★★★★★
Sexual tension: ★★★★★
Sex scenes: ★★★★★
Story ending: N/A
OVERALL RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Angst: | HIGH FOCUS |
Darkness: | MEDIUM FOCUS |
Humor: | LOW FOCUS |
Kink: | LOW FOCUS |
Romance: | HIGH FOCUS |
Sex frequency: | MEDIUM FOCUS |
Suspense: | MEDIUM FOCUS |

After We Collided (After, #2) (14)
After We Collided (After, #2) (15)After We Collided (After, #2) (16)After We Collided (After, #2) (17)After We Collided (After, #2) (18)After We Collided (After, #2) (19)

    g-contemporaries heroes-rich-semi-professional heroes-troubled-tortured


965 reviews551 followers

June 19, 2020

Caution: Rated R: for language and hot stuff

The tag line for this series should be: “I’m sorry. Please just give me one more chance!” Cause I swear to Jesus, it’s said about 50 times in each book thus far. 🙄 How many times is Hardin going to screw up? The answer, infinity times. 😠 and how many times is Tess going to forgive him? The answer, she’s a dumb ass. 🤗

This is truly a bad soap opera. But my god, it’s HOT. People, like myself (sadly) are drawn to the drama and overall steaminess of this book. I’m eating it up like a tub of ice cream on a hot summer day. 🍦It’s sooo good as you’re eating it, but you hate yourself afterwards. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Go ahead and judge me for downloading the next one. I’m judging myself, fo sho!! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Sol ~ TheBookishKing

318 reviews188 followers

April 21, 2020

this was just 650 pages of pure trash.

i hate Hate HATE everything, about this.

May 18, 2014

I swear, this is the sh*ttiest trilogy I have ever read. I don't even know what went on in the second one.

After We Collided (After, #2) (23)

Um. I don't even know where to start. There's so much sex in this book I can't even laugh about it anymore. It's that boring.

So, yeah. I don't have much to say for this sh*t.

But, please, Anna Todd, I think we know that a sequel is a continuation.

After We Collided (After, #2) (24)


427 reviews448 followers

May 7, 2024

try not to cringe challenge: a major fail.

Lily Althea

52 reviews49 followers

February 16, 2016

This book, even more than the first one, is like watching a car crash : you shouldn't be watching but you can't tear your eyes away from the disaster. And even though I'll probably roll my eyes a hundred times again, I'll definitively be reading the next one. It's like the book is Hardin and I'm Tessa : I know it's bad but I just can't stay away.


Μaria Vrisanaki

189 reviews171 followers

July 20, 2018

Αφιερωμένο στις συναναγνώστριες Μαρ, Ευ και Αθηνά <3 που ξενέρωσαν μαζί μου έπειτα από την θεϊκή απογείωση των 350 πρώτων σελ. (που πήγαινε για 4 *)

*Μίνι σπόιλερ αλέρτ*

Χάρντιν: Σε αγαπώ Τες.
Τεσα: Σε αγαπώ Χάρντιν, αλλά φαντάζομαι δεν σε πειράζει να φιληθώ με κάποιον άλλον, αφού τα έχουμε ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ ξαναβρει, επειδή παρεξήγησα μία συνομιλία σου με μία μελαχρινή που τελικά είχες κάνει ρεζίλι στον αδερφό της και ήθελες απλά να ζητήσεις συγγνώμη.

(Όχι ακόμα Φανή! Έχει και χειρότερα!)

Χάρντιν: Αφού κι εσένα δεν σε πειράζει μετά να σε παρατήσω στο πάρτι, χωρίς κινητό και τρόπο να γυρίσεις στο σπίτι, για να πάω να πιω μέχρι σκασμού.
Τέσα: Και οι Χαρντινίτσες; Δεν φαντάζεσαι πόσο θα ξενερώσουν.
Χάρντιν: Ω, έλα τώρα Τες. Αυτές με ποθούν. Ξέρεις πόσο έτοιμες είναι πάντα για μένα.

(Χαιρετισμός παλάμης με ανοιχτά δάχτυλα από μένα στις χαρντινίτσες μου. Και επειδή με παρασύρατε βάζω κ εμένα μέσα)

Τέσα: Καλά, τότε κι εγώ, για να μάθεις, θα δω τον Ζεντ στον ύπνο μου και θα πω δύο φορές το όνομά του όσο εσύ με μεταφέρεις στο κρεβάτι. Αφού φυσικά τα ξαναβρήκαμε.
Χάρντιν: Κι εγώ θα πάω να πιω ΠΑΛΙ μέχρι να γίνω λιώμα και η μπαργούμαν που παλιά είχα πηδήξει θα με κοιμίσει στο σπίτι της γιατί θα είμαι πολύ λιώμα για να οδηγήσω. Και θα με παίρνεις τηλέφωνο και δεν θα το σηκώνω και θα σου πω ψέματα ότι είμαι στον πατέρα μου.
Τέσα: Κι εγώ θα σε χωρίσω (ΠΑΛΙ) και θα πάω να μπαλαμουτιαστώ με τον Ζεντ και θα κοιμηθώ και μαζί του για να μάθεις.
Anna Todd: Κι εγώ θα τελειώσω το βιβλίο με την μεγαλύτερη μπούρδα για ανατροπή για να σας ξενερώσω, Χαρντινίτσες, ακόμα περισσότερο.
Μένια: Κι εγώ θα κλαίω από τα γέλια γιατί θα τα διαβάσετε όλα, όλα, όλα.

Ε ρε Φανή που σας χρειάζεται!

ps: Μένια τα διαβάσαμε!! Και δεν βάλαμε 3 στο τελευταίο!!!! <3

Evgnossia O'Hara

103 reviews195 followers

August 26, 2017

1.5 stars cause 2 stars are too much for this nonsense.

Seriously? Seriously? Seriously? This supposed to be a plot twist?
I was optimistic about the second book in the series since the first half of the story was, let's say, a desent one. But then Todd had to ruin everything just to continue the story-line and fill the papers with words. Unfortunately, I forgot the most interesting moments by the time I've finished it.
I have to thank my buddy reads Mareira, Maria Vrisanaki and Athina who gave me the courage to finish this sh*tty second book.

    buddy-read owned romance

Kevin (Irish Reader)

275 reviews4,065 followers


September 5, 2020

Really wish Trevor was more in this book! Anyways, I did a spoiler filled reading vlog for this book on my YouTube channel, which you can check out here for more of my thoughts:


474 reviews282 followers

March 8, 2021

since you guys loved my After rant so much here’s another one ——————————————-

omggg this was sooOOooOo good 🥰 the twist at the end was so shocking 😱😱 i did not see that coming 😜

and the romance between Tessa and hardin was just peRfEcT ofc 🥰🥰🥰
they are the least problematic ship ever 😜 and my ultimate otp 😘😘

hardin’s betrayal in the first book sHoCKeD me 😱😱 because he’s such a good guy 🤗 so i knew there had to be some rational explanation. and there was! 😄😄 it made me love hardin sooOoOOo much more, because i feel like i really understand him now 🥺 and he makes mistakes which makes him so much more realistic and human 🥺🤗😍
even tho he makes mistakes he’s still the perfect role model and he’s not problematic at all 😍😍😌
also he’s sooOOoOOoo relatable because he’s nOt liKE oThER gUyS 🤪🤪🤪
my #1 book boyfriend of all time 😚😚😌
he’s soooOOOoooO hottt 🥵🥵🥵🤤🤤🤤

Tessa was amazing as always 😍😍😊 she’s the perfect role model and i want to be exactly like her when i grow up 😜🤗🤗 i feel like she’s changed a lot since the beginning of the series and she has the most amazing character arc ever 🥰🥰 she definitely doesn’t stay the same throughout the entire series.
also she’s sOOooOo relatable!! 😙😙 ive never seen a character more relatable than Tessa!! 😌 just what everyone wants, to relate to stale bread! 🤪🤪🤪

it makes me sooOOooO sad when Hessa fights, because all i want is for them to get back together 🥺🥺 it’s good tho because they ~never~ fight about the same thing twice and it’s really healthy to beat up walls when you’re angry 😌😌 hardin has such good coping skillz 😌😘
they have such a healthy relationship too!! 😍😍 it just warms my heart because they love each other sooOOooO much and they’re the least toxic relationship I’ve ever seen 🥰🥰🥰 #hessa4life 🥰🥰🥰😋😋😋💞💖💝💘

the plot of this book is also sooOOoOo good! it mainly consists of hessa fighting and f*cking and breaking up and fighting and f*cking and breaking up. sUcH a CrEaTiVE pLoT 😍😍😍😍 it doesn’t get repetitive at all 😌😌
im so glad Tessa decided to forgive hardin even tho he pretty much abused her throughout book 1 🥰🥰🥰🥰 they have such a healthy relationship i cannot- 🤗🤗🤗🥺🥺

hardin knows just how to win Tessa over, too!😍😍 buy her a kindle and clean her car and it forgives all the gaslighting and toxicity from the first book 🥰🥰🤪

if i were Tessa i would forgive hardin right away because he’s a good person and he’s been through sooOoOoo much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

the other characters were annoying and i don’t want to talk about them 🙄🙄🙄 noah and landon nobody likes you guys go away 🤧🤧 neither of you deserve Tessa she is too amazing for you 😤😤 even tho you guys treat people with actual human decency you need to leave because treating people with kindness isn’t allowed in this series 🙄🙄

aaaanyways i think you guys understand that i LoVeD this book is was sooOOooOo aMaZiNG 😍😍😍 after is my favorite series on the planet 😌😌🥰🥰

    controversial guilty-pleasure made-me-cry

Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora)

1,009 reviews42.1k followers

April 8, 2021


Para los perdidos, si están viendo esto en el 2021 es porque estoy releyendo la saga para un vídeo de mi canal. La reseña de abajo es lo que pensé del libro en el ***2015***. Bajen las antorchas y cálmense, jajaja.


Okay, okay, vamos a ver cómo empiezo esto...

Vale, pues a mí el libro me encantó, jajaja. Ahora es cuando la gente dice "ay, pero si lo único que pasa en el libro es que Tessa y Hardin pelean y vuelven, pelean, pelean, se acuestan y vuelven" y tienen razón, aunque creo que el libro va un poco más allá de esa simple línea.

Leer este libro es leer cómo dos personas que son completamente diferentes (y cuando digo completamente diferentes me refiero a diferentes nivel ÉPICO, nivel Goku vs Freezer, Corea del Norte vs. Corea del Sur, blanco y negro...) tratan de encontrar una y otra vez el camino que los guía hacia el otro.

Tessa y Hardin tiene una relación tremendamente complicada, pero que vale la pena (¡no me maten!). Sí, Hardin ha hecho un montón de cosas, UN MONTÓN, que no cualquiera puede perdonar. Es decir, lo de la apuesta fue bastante bajo e intentar que los demás te cubrieran a cambio de dinero, fue peor. Pero Hardin es un chico que ha estado solo toda su vida, tiene un pasado muy jodido y no sabe cómo actuar de una manera diferente a como lo hace. Tiene una coraza de chico duro y de "no me importa nada", pero en el fondo está tan roto como el juguete más viejo de un arcón.

La relación de Tessa y Hardin los pone a prueba a cada minuto, sí... Y a pesar de todo lo que pasa (la apuesta, el temperamento de Hardin, las dudas de Tessa...) se quieren. Pero, ¿qué digo? No se quieren, es mucho más que eso, se adoran, se AMAN. Y, de nuevo, no importa por todo lo que pasen, ese amor es más fuerte que todo lo que los rodea. Ver a Hardin expresando sus sentimientos y en su estado más vulnerable es encantador, es ver cómo cae la muralla que lo rodea por unos segundos y cómo le abre su corazón y, ¿por qué no?, su alma a Tessa.

Y s��, me da igual si me dicen cursi, lo soy, ¿y qué pasa? xD

Me fascinó que en el libro se explorara un poco más la relación de amistad de Tessa con Landon; que Hardin creara un lazo de cordialidad con su hermanastro para que le ayude y le dé consejos sobre cómo recuperar a Tessa; que conociéramos a la mamá de Hardin y que incluso ella se diera cuenta de lo fuerte que es el lazo entre su hijo y Tessa; que viéramos cómo Hardin es capaz y está dispuesto a ser una mejor persona por Tessa. Porque de eso es lo que va el amor, ¿no? De que la otra persona te haga querer ser mejor por ti mismo y por ella o él. #IsaCursi

¿Qué odié del libro? Hmm... Vale, sí, ODIO A ZED. Y aquí soy como Hardin y quiero que ese oportunista se mantenga a años luz de Tessa, ME. CAE. MUY. MAL. Por otra parte, Trevor... A él no lo odio, y es valioso que entren en la trama para ver las reacciones de Hardin, pero que dejen de intentarlo porque HESSA IS REAL (?).

Sobre el final me pareció fatal que Tessa no le haya dicho a Hardin que quiere irse a vivir a Seattle... y sé que todo esto va a explotar como una bomba en el próximo libro. Presiento que a Hardin lo van a expulsar de la Universidad y se va a querer devolver a Inglaterra, pero como Tessa no quiere ir... CHAN CHAN CHAAAAN. BRACE YOURSELVES, TROUBLES ARE COMING!

PD1: Sigo sin superar que Hardin se llame Hardin.

PD2: ¿En serio se tuvo que tatuar esa frase en la espalda? Oh, gods...


157 reviews143 followers

January 30, 2019

I wasn't planning on reviewing this book.
But then I heard that they are making a movie/ series(?) out of this sh*tshow.

The After series was written as Harry Styles fanfiction on Wattpad. I gained a lot of attention and was later rewritten into a novell. This is nothing new, we have seen it before. I have nothing against fanfiction, it's playful and fun but it's not supposed to be taken seriously and this book is trying sooo hard to be taken seriously.

This book as about the "princess girl" Tessa and the "bad boy" Hardin and their "love story". The book is filled with drama, sex, fighting and even different types of abuse. Now, heres the thing with YA; it can have the worst set of characters and worts storyline ever and the language can be plain and mediocre, but if the books is smacked with sex and flowing body fluids, it will sell.It doesn't matter how harmful the book actually is because people will bite right into it as long it's full of spiraling hormones and this feels like a trend in modern YA?

When you hear about a fanfiction piece turn't movie I'm pretty sure that your thoughts goes straight to Fifty Shades of Grey. For those who don't know: Fifty Shades is fanfiction based of the Twilight Saga, a completely fictional piece of work. I did have problems with Fifty Shades and I do have major problems with the After series.
1. Fifty Shades is an Adult book whilst After is a marketed towards Young Adults aka "Kids" but both are extremely abusive and dark erotica.
2. Fifty Shades, though fan fiction, was based on a completely fictional, "original" work whilst After is inspired by A REAL, BREATHING HUMAN BEEING THAT ACTUALLY EXISTS. Doesn't that make anyone else uncomfortable? Anna Todd sat at home, infront of her computer, franticly writing out her sloppy, wet fantasies about Harry Styles and then posting it to Wattpad..? I can't be the only one who get's weirded out about that?
3. The books aren't even good? They have NO storyline. Girls is picked on by boy. Boy advances on girl anyway. Girl is "confused". Girls and boy have sex. Repeat... Repeat... It's just sex, alcohol, drugs and abuse over and over. Not to mention that Anna Todd's language is terrible.
4. A producer saw the numbers these books are getting and saw a chance at a fat paycheck. I bet they didn't even read the books.

I shouldn't let it make me this upset but it bothers me that young people are going to read these and see the movie and make up a picture in their heads that this is okay. A relationship is supposed to be fun and uplifting! Not filled with drama and emotional abuse!
We are in an "era" where we have some amazing people in the spotlight promoting selfcare and selflove and we are continuously inspiring eachother on social media, teaching and telling eachother that we deserve more and then a piece like this comes along and just slams all of that into the dirt. And I don't find that to be okay.


Book Wonderland

178 reviews66 followers

January 1, 2020

“Just because he can't love you the way you want him to doesn't mean he doesn't love you with everything he has.”

After We Collided (After, #2) (34)

Once you start reading this series, you won't be able to put it down!
This book was exiting again, and I really liked that we could read some chapters from Hardin's POV too, that made the story even more interesting. But I liked the first book better. I was satisfied with the ending, even though Anna Todd left us with another cliffhanger...

After We Collided (After, #2) (35)

    4-stars contemporary new-adult


108 reviews14 followers

July 30, 2014

Don't judge me.

Juliana Zapata

280 reviews3,683 followers

April 14, 2015

Esta segunda parte de la serie fue toda una decepción, el primer libro aunque no es memorable si es súper adictivo y la personalidad de Hardin me atrapó.
Pero en esta segunda parte Hardin tiene cambios súper bruscos de personalidad que no me gustaron para nada, Tessa no conoce la palabra dignidad y el libro le sobran mas del 50% de las páginas.

Reseña Completa:


April (Aprilius Maximus)

1,131 reviews6,477 followers

February 13, 2017

Excuse me while I just die from feelings over here for a while.

❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books

2,362 reviews9,505 followers

March 6, 2022

After We Collided (After, #2) (40)📚AFTER WE COLLIDED:📚 Is the second full length collage romance book in the series 'After', by new to me author 'Anna Todd.' Spoken in 'Dual Perspectives.'

This picked up where the previous book left off. One year older. After the break up...

Oh god this was like driving past a wreck you don't want to look but your eyes are drawn there anyway! This book was like that! I didn't want to read it, but I had to, even if my life depended on it, I needed to see how this was going to pan out, if at all possible this was more toxic than the first book!!

Please tell me the mother comes down with something incurable? She is horrid!! A few swear words spewed out of my mouth many a time.

More drama
More angst
More feels

I could probably be cast on the tv show 'Walking dead' because after devouring this and barely sleeping because I couldn't put it down I am walking around like a zombie!!

This is a pull your hair out and stomp on the characters kind of read. The author brought her A-Game with the Angst in this!! I hated it, but loved it!! Did my head in!! God these two were my worst nightmare, the too and fro, argghhhh

READ this series they said, it's a phenomenal series they said..Reading is MEAN'T to be RELAXING this was not relaxing. I was mostly SCREAMING at my ipad, CURSING the author, holding onto my ipad in fear that I would THROW it!!

And of course it ends in a bloody cliffy!!

    4-stars collage-age full-of-angst

Tanya (Girl Plus Books)

1,062 reviews76 followers

March 6, 2015

2.75 STARS

Like a car wreck you can't look away from... that's pretty much my relationship with this series.

There's not much to say about this one that I didn't say in my review of After. Probably because it felt like a rehash of the first book. Tessa and Hardin continue their insane pattern of on again-off again, I love you/I hate you, I can't live with you/I can't live without you madness. There are times when their relationship is so off the charts hideous that I wonder if I'm actually supposed to be pulling for them. Because as written, these two surely do not belong together. Tessa is wishy-washy and easily swayed (despite her talk of independence) and Hardin is a d-bag to the tenth power. But I'm supposed to get behind this train wreck of a relationship and hope for their HEA? Yeah, obviously I'm missing something important. Like a shred of likability.

I find it amusing that every guy in Tessa's life desperately wants her, loves and adores her. Noah, Hardin, Trevor, Zed. Note to Anna Todd: this does not make your protagonist likable. It does, however, make her completely unrealistic and gag-inducing.

And I still can't figure out why anyone gives Hardin the time of day. He is rude, obnoxious, disrespectful, angry... he consistently treats everyone around him in a way that is shockingly bad and yet they all just seem to go with it. Um, why? Why doesn't anyone tell him to pack sand, take his crap attitude and get lost? Apparently I missed any passages that described his hidden charms.

So the toxic relationship continues, the silly drama, the constant bickering and fighting and jealous rages. But, let the train wreck continue - after 1,270 pages, I refuse to give up now.

    new-adult series


877 reviews1,246 followers

December 22, 2014

OMG...this book!!!!

You don't even know...Tessa and Hardin have like invaded my brain...

After We Collided (After, #2) (55)

I just dunno what to do with myself...I can't function...I'm a hot mess..

After We Collided (After, #2) (56)

Review to come...

    angsty-romance arc-given-to-blog-for-honest-review dying-to-get-my-hands-on


58 reviews14 followers

May 6, 2023

Amo e odio questa saga. La amo perché non riesco a smettere di leggerla, è molto incalzante e gli eventi vanno così veloci che si è sempre più curiosi di sapere cosa potrà mai succedere. La odio perché per tutta la durata del libro spero che i protagonisti si lascino. Lei non ha un briciolo di dignità a continuare a perdonare comportamenti imperdonabili. Penso che ci siano davvero dei brutti esempi per i ragazzi come giustificare la violenza, il comportamento da crocerossina, i segnali della dipendenza affettiva, la gelosia malata, la prospettiva che una persona possa cambiare radicalmente per amore. Non sempre i personaggi sono coerenti e spesso sono trattati superficialmente.

zoha (A book maestro)

208 reviews212 followers

March 18, 2019

Good bye brain cells. It was nice knowing you guys.
I don't know why I put myself through this!

    2019 if-trashy-had-a-face llama-drama

Ꮗ€♫◗☿ ❤️ ❤️

2,310 reviews2,247 followers

January 16, 2020

So real, so tragic, so riveting

After We Collided (After, #2) (60)

You see couples like this all the time and you think, “why does she stay with him, he makes her miserable.” They fight, they break up, they get back together and it is a viscous circle that never seems to end.

“Should I ask to drive her to campus today?”
I follow him down the stairs. He shakes his head at me. “What part of nonsuffocating do you not get?”
“I liked you better when you kept your mouth shut.”
“I liked you better when you . . . well, I never liked you,” he says, but I can tell he’s teasing.

I am fascinated with Hardin and Tessa despite the fact that I have read basically 1200 pages of them fighting, making up and then fighting again but surprising enough, I like it and want to keep reading. Hardin is so insecure and jealous and Tessa is sometimes the same, they like to get back at each other in the most painful ways. But when they are alone, they love each other so fiercely that you can’t help but root for them.

They both have such awful backgrounds that you feel so bad for them and you really want them to grow up and work together. Anna Todd is also great at adding a last minute cliffhanger that really makes you have to immediately buy the next book. Damn her! 🤬

After We Collided (After, #2) (61)


    01-read-books-i-own angst new-adult


608 reviews30.8k followers

March 15, 2022

why the tampon. why?


136 reviews31 followers

November 29, 2015

I really enjoyed the first book in this series but I just couldn't finish this gigantic book full of sh** if you'd ask me! Sorry but it was such a bad book compared to the first one. This whole back an fourth was nerve racking and I just couldn't understand her actions at all.
Well, I tried!

*** now that I've re-read this book I can proudly say that I still didn't like it as much as I thought I would!
It was okay but way too much.
But I loved all of the drama and it's an easy, fun and entertaining read!
Maybe I'll continue on with it!

Elyse Walters

4,010 reviews11.3k followers

April 21, 2019 by Shane East and Elizabeth Louise

The drama between Hardin and Tessa continues.
It’s just the type of a relationship a parent dreams of for their child.

What can I say. I suppose I’m losing brain cells with each next book...
but I’m still hanging around taking in the rages, the passion, the lust, the lies, daily life, the profanity, the family and friends of the college-toxic-luv-couple.

A couple of funnies in book two - (charming scenes from bad boy Hardin):
Hardin in yoga class..,
Hardin ice skating...
Hardin babysitting a 5 year old boy named Smith... and calling him a “mini-human”.

Book 1 was better - but
Book 2 exposed more background details of the young lovers Traumatic Childhoods.
Actually - it’s my sense - that it doesn’t matter which book is which after awhile.
It’s simply continuous nonstop drama.... ( from book to book), like a soap opera series with crazy messy lives.

I’ve been taking long walks recently.
This audiobook series is pure trashy entertainment...

Once again —
don’t even ask me to explain or justify. I’m nuts and admit it...
during my long walks...
Somehow this series is giving me time to think - connect with myself and nature - peacefully
and privately.
This ‘trashy-book-of-flaws’ so easy to follow with it’s own problems that I find it producing in me a drug-like state of being.
Calm and satisfied.


491 reviews38 followers

February 26, 2018

same sh*t different day,
ίδιο μοτίβο κλάψας απλά προστίθεται και η αφήγηση του αγοριού. ελαφρώς (πολύ ελαφρώς) πιο συμμαζεμένο

    2015-2017 e-r ebook-kindle
After We Collided (After, #2) (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.