A Dietitian-Approved Sugar Detox Diet Plan, From Breakfast to Bedtime Snacks (2024)

Breaking up with sugar is bittersweet. But, going on a sugar detox may be simpler (and indeed, sweeter) than you think. Ahead, nutrition experts share a detailed sugar detox diet plan that will keep you satiated all day, while keeping sugar cravings at bay. Plus, get the inside scoop on hidden sugars to avoid, and learn what causes sugar cravings in the first place.

Sugar Addiction

Studies show that we can become biologically addicted to sugar, just as we would other substances like drugs or alcohol, which might explain why statistics on sugar consumption are so staggering. A report from the University of California San Francisco explains that the recommended daily added sugar consumption is no more than six teaspoons (or 25 grams.) However, the average American consumes 17 teaspoons, or around 71 grams, per day. It's scary stuff.

What is a Sugar Detox?

"Put simply, a sugar detox involves cutting added sugars from your diet for a period of time," says Elizabeth Adrian, RDN, CDN, a Senior Registered Dietitian atSeason Health. "For people who are interested in cutting or reducing added sugars in their diet, it’s important to note the difference between added sugars and natural sugars. Major sources of added sugars include sugary beverages, desserts, sweet snacks, and candy. The calories in added sugar are empty calories, meaning there is little nutritional value. In contrast, natural sugars are those sugars found naturally in foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and dairy products. From a nutrition perspective, it is not advised to cut out any of the aforementioned food groups because of their fiber, vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant properties."

Why Go on a Sugar Detox?

Sugar isn't a necessity. It can be removed from our diets and kitchen cabinets with a bit of conscious effort and the right mix of nutritious foods to keep us full and satisfied. But, for most of us, our bodies are accustomed to all the sugar we routinely feed ourselves, so we are seemingly programmed to crave more. To reset and erase these cravings, a sugar detox—a deliberate effort to minimize as much sugar as possible from our diet—may be necessary. To help us craft the best sugar detox diet plan and determine exactly what to eat to kick the sugar habit to the curb, we turned to two nutrition experts who gave us a doable meal plan. The best part? A lot of it sounds mouthwateringly delicious.

Meet the Expert

Why Do We Crave Sugar?

First, it's good to know we're not lacking in self-control or willpower when it comes to sugar cravings. "Our biological addiction to sugar comes from primitive neurochemical reward centers in our brains that light up when we consume sugar," Holistic health coach Darby Jackson explains."These reward centers used to help keep us alive by signaling to our bodies that we need to eat more sugar to put on fat and stay alive when food was scarce. Now, food is everywhere, yet our bodies are still programmed to consume sugar when we see it." To counteract this natural response, Jackson says,"it's important for us to set our bodies up to control these cravings through a healthy diet and lifestyle."

But that doesn't mean quitting sugar all at once. "Start by recognizing how much sugar is in the food you are currently eating. Read the labels, look for 'hidden sugars' and stick to more whole foods,” advises O’Connor. (Find more on hidden sugars below.) “Then, wean yourself off by consuming less of the bread, crackers, chips, and even energy bars, some of which are practically candy bars in disguise." Consuming less sweet and processed foods is the goal, but she cautions against depriving yourself entirely. "Although it can be tricky, you’ve got to stick to your plan. Cold turkey may be easier in the short term because your body isn’t responding to sugar’s incessant and nagging effect on the brain and the body. Still, in most cases, deprivation can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food, and in some cases, binging."

Ahead, read our experts' sample diet plan for a low-sugar daily diet. (There are even some treats included.)


Recommended Foods: Whole eggs (either scrambled or in an omelet) or a yogurt parfait with plain yogurt, nuts, and seeds.

Jackson agrees that slow and steady is best for a lifestyle change, and it all starts with the first meal of the day. "The easiest way to start is by adjusting just your breakfast for an entire week," she says. "Focus on foods in the morning that are high in quality protein as well as healthy fats, as these foods will keep you fuller longer and suppress cravings, but give you energy." She recommends eating whole scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil, which will provide both that necessary healthy protein and fat (as a bonus, it's super easy and quick to make on early work mornings when we have zero motivation).

Registered dietician Lauren O'Connor similarly recommends a veggie-filled omelet with shredded cheese, though her favorite breakfast is a yogurt parfait. Just be sure to use plain, unsweetened yogurt and a low-sugar and high-protein granola. Then, sprinkle in some nuts, seeds, and berries.


Recommended Foods: A salad with a variety of veggies, legumes, and healthy fats.

For lunch, keep up with the protein, fiber, and healthy fats combo."The best way to detox from sugar is to make sure that you are consuming protein and healthy fats. Protein will keep you feeling fuller longer and can also help reduce cravings, while healthy fats like coconut oil and avocado will help stabilize your blood sugar and give you the energy you need to power through your day," Jackson says.Try preparing a colorful salad that's topped with beans, quinoa, or lentils and drizzled with olive oil. It has the nutrients your body needs and will give you sustained energy all afternoon long (so you can avoid that 3 p.m. slump that usually requires a cup—or two—of coffee to overcome).

Your lunch breakis also a good time to check in with your hydration levels. Water is important to the body's metabolic processes and also keeps you feeling energized and alert. Plus, it might prevent you from breaking your sugar detox to scarf down one of those conference room donuts. "When a person sees a sweet treat such as a glazed donut, pleasure signals are triggered in the brain," O'Connor explains. "The mind is a powerful thing. Simply seeing something pleasurable can elicit a desire. However, drinking water can delay your response and give you time to evaluate whether or not it’s a good choice to consume (or if just a bite or two will do)."


Recommended Foods: Roasted vegetables with wild salmon, avocado, and brown rice.

Again, it’s all about a vegetable-based meal that includes protein and healthy fats. "You can certainly include whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa, but limit (don’t restrict) the bread intake and other refined starches," advises O'Connor. Try a roasted vegetable medley with a serving of wild salmon, avocado, and brown rice. It's still warm and filling, butwithout the extra calories and unhealthy fat that comes with many hot meals, like cream-based soups and starchy pasta dishes.

Start with a base of spinach and cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts and cauliflower before adding carrots, sweet potato, broccoli, or radishes—all of which can be roasted in olive oil.Top it off with a freshly prepared salmon filet and some avocado. We don't know about you, but that sounds so appetizing, so filling, and so satisfying to us.


Recommended Foods: Hard-boiled eggs, a green smoothie, plain yogurt with berries, Wasa crackers and cottage cheese, edamame, or crudités and hummus.

O’Connor says that whether you choose to have snacks or not during your detox is up to you, and you should listen to your body to help you decide if you need one or not. “Some people do fine with just three meals, [while] others benefit from smaller meals and a snack or two,” she explains. “If you start to feel a little peckish between your meals, then please have a snack. ‘Starving’ or restricting to save on calories may lead to binges later on.”

Because they are a great source of satiating protein and don’t contain sugar, hard-boiled or deviled eggs are one of O’Connor’s top choices for a healthy snack during a sugar detox. “The yolk contains plenty of nutrients, including bone-protective calcium and B vitamins, which are essential for brain health.” She recommends enjoying them with a little Dijon mustard.

If you’re more in the mood for something cold and refreshing, grab your blender. “Try a green smoothie made with a handful of spinach, 4 to 5 cubes of pineapple,½ a small avocado, and your favorite unsweetened plant-based milk,” says O’Connor. “It’s got just enough natural sweetness in the mix for a tasty balance, [and] the healthy fats and fiber will keep your blood sugars level.”

O’Connor says that plain yogurt with berries is also an excellent choice for a snack that will help keep blood sugar levels under control. The protein from the yogurt and antioxidant-rich berries offer a nutritious, satiating snack that can feel indulgent.

If you’re craving something more savory, O’Connor suggests Wasa crisp crackers and cottage cheese. “You’ll get plenty of whole-grain fiber from the crackers (3g per serving) and a good dose of protein in this low-sugar snack,” she notes. Or, opt for ½ cup of edamame, which you can buy fresh or frozen (and then thaw or heat to your liking). According to O’Connor, “These beans pack in fiber and protein for a convenient and satisfying snack-savvy option, [or for] more flavor, sauté them lightly with minced garlic and add a touch of sea salt.”

Lastly, O’Connor recommends crudités (carrot, celery, zucchini sticks, radish, etc.) with ¼ cup of hummus or ½ cup of plain low-fat Greek yogurt seasoned with lemon juice or zest and a pinch of sea salt or your favorite seasoning blend. “I recommend Tajine, Zaatar, or ‘Everything But the Bagel’ for ultimate flavor,” she adds.

If you have a strong craving for a piece of fresh fruit, it’s possible to make that work, even during a sugar detox. “If you are worried about the sugar (all fruit contains natural sugars), just add a loose handful of nuts or seeds,” advises O’Connor. “The healthy fat will keep those blood sugars stable and provide a little more satiation.”

If you do want to try and limit your snacking, especially mindless eating, O’Connor has a few tips:

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Space out your meals evenly during the day.
  • Be mindful while you eat (sit down when you eat, don’t eat while distracted), chew your food, and eat slowly. “You’re more likely to recognize how much you are eating and better recall it at the end of the day,” she says.

Hidden Sugars to Avoid

During a sugar detox, you want to avoid snacks that are high in sugars or highly processed snacks such as pretzels, cookies, fruit snacks, low-fiber crackers, cereal bars, and chips. But, there are less obvious foods that are better left on the shelf and out of your diet. For example, some “healthy” foods like packaged granola contain lots of added sugars, as well as partially hydrogenated oils. “There are hidden sugars in many of our packaged convenience foods. And often, many of these don’t necessarily taste particularly sweet,” explains O’Connor. “Some wheat bread, for instance, may contain barley malt and other 'sugars,' such as honey to balance the flavor, but we don’t consider this dessert."

Granola bars, and even “protein bars,” also often masquerade as something healthier than they are. “While some energy bars are formulated to be low in sugars and high in protein and/or healthy fats, there are so many that contain an excess of added sugars, chemicals, and fillers we don’t need. So, you’ve got to read those labels,” advises O’Connor. “Rather than decipher through a laundry list of ingredients, make your own trail mix—just be sure to limit the dried fruit (to one tablespoon) because it’s concentrated in sugars.”

Also, be aware of drinking too much alcohol. It's less satisfying than food but still adds a lot of calories to our day with its hidden sugars. "Not only that," says O'Connor, but "alcohol impairs our judgment, so we tend to eat 'more freely' as opposed to sticking to moderation."

Eating Fruit on a Sugar Detox

Aside from packaged and processed foods and alcohol, also avoid eating too much fruit. Jackson saysit can haveadverse effects on the body and encourage more sugar cravings. "There is a place for a little fruit in everyone's diet and it isn't something that should be completely cut out, but too much fruit can be very detrimental to your body," she says. "It's packed with sugar, especially in juice form, and is just setting your body up for an insulin crash. Be mindful when you pick up a 'green juice' and check to see how much sugar is in the bottle. If you are going to eat fruit, aim for lower-sugar fruits like berries, which are also packed with other nutrients."

Byrdie Tip

A good fruit choice is a clementine or Mandarin orange because the segments help you eat more mindfully and savor each bite.

What are the side effects of a Sugar Detox?

"As with many diet and wellness trends, a sugar detox has both pros and cons," says Adrian. "A true 'sugar detox' typically involves going cold turkey—at least to start. However, this can lead to unpleasant side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, and low blood sugar."

She adds: "Though there are benefits to reducing the amount of added sugar in your diet, research shows that cutting out certain foods or food groups is typically not effective or sustainable in the long term. Instead of going cold turkey, I would advise starting slowly by gradually reducing the amount of added sugars in your diet. This will help prevent you from experiencing those unwanted symptoms and you’ll likely be more successful in the long run. Aim to stay below the American Heart Association’s recommendations of no more than six teaspoons of added sugar per day for women and nine teaspoons for men."

A Dietitian-Approved Sugar Detox Diet Plan, From Breakfast to Bedtime Snacks (2024)


What foods to eat when detoxing from sugar? ›

During a sugar detox, it's important to focus on getting your nutrients from whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, proteins, and healthy fats. The goal is to reduce your sugar intake and replace it with natural, nutritious foods that can help support your body's health.

What should I eat for breakfast during sugar detox? ›

Meal Alternative: For those mornings of your 7-day sugar detox when you're pressed for time but need a nutritious start, blend together unsweetened almond milk, a handful of spinach, a scoop of unsweetened protein powder, and a tablespoon of chia seeds.

How to flush sugar out of your body overnight? ›

Stay hydrated. The more water you drink, the more sugar will rinse from your body. Eat a diet featuring lean proteins (fish, chicken, cheese sticks, etc.) combined with high-fiber vegetables (leafy greens, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.).

What are the rules for sugar detox? ›

The main goal is to cut out all sources of added sugar for 30 days. Instead, you focus on consuming nutrient-dense, whole foods that don't contain added sugars. Natural sugars, which are found in foods like vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, are OK to eat.

What not to eat on sugar detox? ›

Limit or completely avoid consumption of foods such as baked goods, potatoes, white rice, white bread, instant oatmeal, and corn/ corn flakes. These food are considered to be high glycemic carbohydrates, which means that your body rapidly breaks them down and causes a spike in blood glucose levels.

Can you eat bread on a no sugar diet? ›

Read labels carefully and choose sugar-free or homemade options whenever possible. White bread and pastries are refined carbohydrates that can quickly spike blood sugar levels. Opt for whole-grain bread and pastries made with minimal sugar or explore low-carb alternatives.

Can you eat peanut butter on a sugar detox? ›

Be sure to choose snacks and meals that are high in fiber and protein naturally: hard-boiled eggs, for one, or even a small omelette; a handful of nuts at your desk; an apple with peanut butter, or even some crudité and hummus.

Can you eat popcorn on a sugar detox? ›

Some healthy snack options are fresh or dried fruits with nuts or nut butter; veggies with hummus or guacamole; popcorn with nutritional yeast; or oatmeal with almond milk and berries. Be prepared for some withdrawal symptoms in the first few days or weeks.

What is the hardest day of a sugar detox? ›

You may experience: Fatigue, cold- and flu-like symptoms, low blood sugar, or self doubt. Day 3 is the beginning of some of the hardest days for most folks! Your best bet: Realize that you are likely not experiencing a real cold or flu but the effects of detoxing from sugar.

What cancels out sugar in your body? ›

Flush out all that sweet stuff from your system by hydrating ASAP with water or other low-sugar fluids, and foods high in water content. "Drink plenty of water and go for foods like watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries and yogurt," Seaver says.

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You limit dairy products, red meat, sweets, added sugars, sodium (salt), and highly processed foods. Some additional guidelines include focusing on seasonal produce and reading food labels to help you avoid added sodium and sugar.

What brings sugar down immediately? ›

The fastest way to lower blood sugar is to take fast-acting insulin medication. Exercise can also help to bring down blood sugar levels quickly. Diet and lifestyle changes can help manage overall blood sugar levels, but for immediate action, prescription medication or medical assistance may be necessary.

Can you eat fruit on a no-sugar diet? ›

Including whole fruits in a no-sugar diet can still be healthful. However, if a person chooses to eat dried fruit, they should do so in moderation and look for varieties without added sugar. Eliminating sugar from the diet is not a complete solution for weight loss.

What should I eat the first 3 days of sugar detox? ›

So for the first three days on a sugar detox, Alpert recommends no added sugars – but also no fruits, no starchy vegetables (such as corn, peas, sweet potatoes and butternut squash), no dairy, no grains and no alcohol. “You're basically eating protein, vegetables and healthy fats.”

What foods can I eat on a no-sugar diet? ›

What To Eat On A No-Sugar Diet? Vegetables, especially green ones, contain very little sugar, making them a great choice when you're hungry. Keto-friendly foods such as meats, fish, eggs, cheeses, avocados, and other foods high in protein and fat, are a great choice as well.

How long does it take to detox your body from sugar? ›

Reducing sugar intake can lead to mental and physical withdrawal symptoms. The severity of these symptoms varies from one person to the next and can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Sugar withdrawal symptoms that may be experienced include: Anxiety or irritability.

What will 30 days of no sugar do? ›

What are the benefits of completing the 30-day no sugar challenge? Benefits may include weight loss, improved blood sugar control, reduced risk of chronic diseases, balanced hormones, enhanced mood and mental health, and increased energy and vitality.

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